Bathurst News

MEDIA RELEASE – Council promotes Green Power
Councils’ own Green Powered site, the Library and Art Gallery complex will be used to promote awareness and education for Green Power – accredited renewable energy at the launch of the Green Power educational campaign, Monday 19th September at 11am. Council will support the program through a local advertising campaign and display in the library during September. Growing concern over climate change and its effect on local communities has led to the Green Power education initiative which is a national program. The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness and education of government accredited renewable energy products, sourced from solar, wind, micro-hydro and biomass. The campaign is aimed at encouraging consumer demand in accredited renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by providing residents with alternative energy sources.

Howick Street Rest Centre under review
Council will discuss various options as to the operation of the Howick Street Rest Centre and other options at its General Council Meeting on Wednesday 21 September, starting at 7pm in the Council Chamber. Community groups in Bathurst have proposed that the centre be renovated to allow for a considerable upgrade of its facilities, in the hope that it would become a successful and widely used public facility. Other items of the agenda include; the use of waste water for the Bathurst Golf Club, the allocation of funds to the National Trust of Australia and the implementation of a Water Loss Management Program within the Bathurst Region.