1788 comes to Sofala

Type: Community Event
Date: 16 Sep 2006 to 17 Sep 2006
Location: Throughout the village
Time: 11:00 to 14:00

1788 comes to Sofala – meet the members of the New South Wales Corps of Marines Inc.

Re-enactors who depict Marines that came out with the First Fleet.

You will see skills, equipment and the life style of 1788 including:

* Cannon firing
* Musket firing
* Talks on how to use both the cannon and musket
* Discussion on the life of a marine – duties and benefits
* Displays of everyday items used in this period
* Raising of the colours (Flag)
* Floggings
* Displays of everyday skills – both military and civilian

A weekend for the family including demonstrarions, walking tours of Sofala, heritage crafts, family history, music, poetry, billy tea and damper.